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Met My Old Lover At A Grocery Store

I had never expected to find myself in the situation I was in. I was at the grocery store, doing the weekly shopping and minding my own business, when I saw them. My old lover. It had been years since I had seen them, and my heart twisted in my chest as soon as I saw them. We had been together for just a short time, but that time had left a lasting impression on me.

Meeting Again After So Long

It felt like time had suddenly stopped as we both stood there, looking at each other. I was filled with so many emotions, from joy to sadness and everything in between. I didn't know what to do. Should I just turn and walk away? I wanted to talk to them, to see how they were doing, but I didn't know if it was a good idea. I could see in their eyes that they were just as surprised to see me as I was to see them.

We stood there for what felt like an eternity, before either of us said anything. Finally, I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I felt like my throat was closing up and I couldn't even form a sentence. I saw a look of understanding on their face and I knew they were feeling the same way I was. We both knew that we had to talk, so I cleared my throat and managed to squeak out an awkward hello.

Talking It Out

We slowly started talking, at first just discussing the weather and other mundane things. I could tell that we were both nervous, but I also saw a spark of joy in their eyes. We eventually started to talk about the past, about our time together, and about what had happened since then. We discussed our current lives, our successes and our failures, and our hopes for the future.

The conversation was awkward at first, but it eventually started to flow more naturally. We talked for what felt like hours, but in reality it was probably only a few minutes. We both knew that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and we wanted to make the most of it. I felt like I was able to open up to them in ways I never had before, and I felt a sense of peace and understanding in our conversation.

A New Understanding

When it was finally time to go, we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders and that I had a newfound understanding of my old lover. I knew that it would have been impossible to have such a meaningful conversation if we hadn't met again in that grocery store.

My encounter with my old lover was an extraordinary experience. It was a reminder that even after years apart, it is still possible to reconnect with someone and find a new understanding. It was a reminder that it is never too late to heal old wounds and to find peace and understanding.

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『安い、うまい・・・できたら腹いっぱい』重くてご免ね! Dan Fogelberg "Same Old Lang Syne"
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photo by Andy Katz | Dan, Music legends, Good music
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