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Fit Your Head Through Hole In Paper

Head Through Hole In Paper: An Entertaining Trick That Never Gets Old

Heading through a hole in a piece of paper may seem like a silly trick, but it’s actually a skill that has been around for centuries. What started as a party game in the 16th century has become a popular activity for kids and adults alike. Whether you’re looking for a challenge or a way to entertain your guests, trying to fit your head through a hole in paper is a great way to pass the time.

From Medieval Monarch to Modern Day Fun

Head through hole in paper first appeared in 16th century Europe as a form of entertainment for the royal court. For the game, a piece of paper was cut in the shape of a crown, and the monarch’s courtiers would take turns trying to fit their heads through the hole. The one who managed to slip their head through the hole was crowned the winner.

Today, head through hole in paper is still played by kids and adults alike. It can be done at home, at a party, or even at a carnival. The rules are simple: all you need is a piece of paper and a pair of scissors. Cut a hole in the paper and then try to fit your head through it. Whoever can fit their head through the hole is the winner.

The Benefits of Head Through Hole In Paper

Head through hole in paper is more than just a fun game; it can also provide several health benefits. It helps build coordination, balance, and concentration. It can also help strengthen the neck muscles and improve posture. Additionally, the challenge of trying to fit your head through the hole can be a great way to relieve stress and anxiety.

Tips for Playing Head Through Hole In Paper

Before you try to fit your head through a hole in paper, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure you’re using a piece of paper that is strong enough to hold your head without ripping. Also, make sure the hole is large enough for your head to fit through, but not so big that it’s too easy. Finally, make sure you’re standing up straight and keeping your neck muscles relaxed.


Head through hole in paper is a fun and challenging game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Whether you’re looking for a way to entertain your guests or just want to challenge yourself, this game can provide hours of fun. It also offers some health benefits, such as improved coordination, balance, and posture. With a little practice and patience, you should be able to fit your head through a hole in paper in no time.

How to poke your head through the hole on the paper - YouTube

How to poke your head through the hole on the paper - YouTube
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one of those "put your head through the hole" things | Flickr

one of those "put your head through the hole" things | Flickr
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Wander Down Penny Lane: How to make a "Face in the hole" stand
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