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How To Get Back Into Drawing

Getting back into drawing can seem like a daunting task. After all, if you haven’t practiced in a long time, your skills may feel rusty and the ideas may not come as easily as they did when you first started. However, with the help of a few simple steps, you can start drawing again and soon be producing beautiful pieces of artwork.

#1: Find Inspiration

One of the best ways to get back into drawing is to find inspiration from other artists. Look online and check out portfolios, blogs, and other art websites to get ideas and inspiration. Use these ideas to help you come up with your own unique drawings. Additionally, buying an art book or two is a great way to get inspired and learn new techniques.

#2: Start Small

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s best to start with smaller, simpler projects. Pick a subject you’d like to draw and then break down the steps into small achievable goals. Rather than trying to draw a full landscape painting all at once, focus on sketching a single element of the landscape at a time.

#3: Practice Often

The best way to become a better drawer is to practice often. Set aside a few minutes each day to practice your drawing skills, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Working on your drawings for short periods of time will help you stay focused and motivated.

#4: Experiment With New Materials

One of the most fun and exciting aspects of drawing is experimenting with different materials. Try out different mediums such as charcoal, pencils, chalk, and pens to see which one you prefer. Additionally, you can experiment with different papers and surfaces to create different effects.

#5: Take a Class or Workshop

If you’re feeling stuck in your drawing practice, consider taking a class or workshop. Learning from an experienced artist can help you learn new techniques and gain insight into the creative process. Not only will you learn new skills, but you’ll also have the chance to meet other artists and gain a better understanding of the art world.

#6: Join a Drawing Group

Many cities have drawing groups or classes that meet up regularly. Joining a drawing group can be a great way to meet other artists, practice your skills, and get feedback on your work. Additionally, having a group of people who share the same passion can help keep you motivated and inspire you to create better work.

#7: Take a Break

Sometimes, the best thing to do when you’re feeling stuck is to take a break. Take a few days off and focus on something else. When you come back to your drawing, you will come with fresh ideas and renewed motivation.


Getting back into drawing can seem like a daunting task, but with the help of a few simple steps, you can easily start drawing again. Take your time and practice often. Find inspiration from other artists and experiment with new materials. Additionally, consider taking a class or workshop and joining a drawing group. Finally, don’t forget to take a break every now and then to keep your motivation levels high.

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